Friday, January 23, 2009


To bring with you for lunch, a dinner with the girls, or a snack in the afternoon - minipizzas are perfect. Here I've made them with a durum dough and caramelized fig/goat's cheese-mozzarella/onion and artichok hearts/red bell pepper/goat's cheese-mozzarella variations.

The dough is just your typical yeast, cold water, olive oil, salt, durum flour, and all-purpose flour - I'm sure I'll get back to you with a great pizza dough recipe, but time was short this time. I made 10 minipizzzas - five of each variation. I defrosted and reheated a tomatosauce I made during the summer, where we had tons of ripe tomatos in the greenhouse. If you have fresh figs you can caramelize the onions instead - it's not the same - but you get a certain sweetness anyway.

Variation 1

½ Sliced caramelized fig for each pizza
3-4 Onion rings
20 g. Mozzarella and goat's cheese - mixed with a fork

Variation 2

½ Sliced artichok heart for each pizza
20 g. Mozzarella and goat's cheese - mixed with a fork
Small bits of red bell pepper to sprinkle on top

Set you oven to about 225 celsius, and bake the pizzas for about 10-15 minutes - dependig on size. Serve with a mixed salad.

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